#16 - Dealing with Avoidance in EMDR Therapy With Crystal Whitlow, LCSW

#16 - Dealing with Avoidance in EMDR Therapy With Crystal Whitlow, LCSW

Crystal Whitlow, LCSW, is a Certified EMDR Therapist, Approved EMDR Consultant, and EMDR trainer. She maintains a private practice specializing in Complex PTSD since 2008 in South Bend, Indiana. In addition, Crystal consults and teaches the EMDR Therapy training and advanced EMDR workshops throughout the midwest and beyond.

This workshop will explore client and clinician avoidance in EMDR therapy. Targeting blocking beliefs and defenses with EMDR will be taught, using Jim Knipe’s EMDR Toolbox procedures. Clinician avoidance will be addressed through practice sessions with partners in the training to deepen the learning of procedures to use with clients.

Workshop will begin with focus on importance of attunement and therapeutic relationship. Affect strengthening exercises and healthy containment skills will be taught. Blocking beliefs will be explored using Jim Knipe’s Blocking Beliefs Questionnaire. Detailed descriptions of common defenses used by clients will be discussed. Specific skills and exercises will be taught to help the clinician target blocking beliefs and defenses in their clinical sessions.

Practice sessions (live and virtual) will be in pairs as clinicians work on their own avoidance, blocks, and defenses. Facilitator will assist in these sessions to deepen practical application of new skills being taught..

*This podcast is an overview of a workshop Crystal Whitlow LCSW will present at EMDR & Beyond on September 15 & 16, 2021.

#15 - Defeating Despair- A Guide to Psychotherapy in Hard Times - Robin Shapiro, LICSW

#15 - Defeating Despair- A Guide to Psychotherapy in Hard Times - Robin Shapiro, LICSW

Robin Shapiro, LICSW is known for her clear, accessible and practical style in writing, teaching and clinical consultation. She edited and contributed to EMDR Solutions: Pathways to Healing (Norton, 2005) a and EMDR Solutions II: Depression, Eating Disorders, Performance & More (2009) and wrote Trauma Treatment Workbook (2010) and Easy Ego State Interventions (2016). She loves her work: writing, presenting, and practicing psychotherapy for 38 years.

Challenging times can be traumatizing, and can stir up old and chronic traumatic states. This webinar covers the identification and treatment of traumatic responses to current cultural distresses. We'll start with the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying the losses and anxieties that have come up for nearly anyone, and how to name them, be present with them, and move them through with EMDR and other techniques.

*This podcast is an overview of a workshop Robin Shapiro LICSW will present at EMDR & Beyond on January 22, 2021.